Delta Rho

at California State University, Northridge

New Member Program

We strive to bring women into our Sisterhood who are going to be leaders, contributors and a Sister in every sense of the word. Real Merit and Worth: The New Member Program was designed with this in mind – enhancing leadership skills, setting goals, understanding who Alpha Xi Delta is at her core and providing opportunities for our newest members to create deep, meaningful relationships with each other, the chapter and our national organization. When you join Alpha Xi Delta, you will grow in your talents and strengths, all with the support of your Sisters.


"These hands don't haze!"

Alpha Xi Delta is a national non-hazing sorority and CSUN has zero tolerance for hazing. We pride ourselves in showering our new members with nothing but presents and love during their new member process. Our New Member Orientation Chairs help guide all the new members during this time to make the transition into active member status as smooth as possible. They are there to answer any questions new members may have as well as teach them everything Alpha Xi Delta has to offer. 


Message from the New Member Orientation Director and Assistant: 

"Alpha Xi Delta is the home to many inspiring, diverse, and beautiful young women. Our goal is to be the best version of ourselves and to help one another realize our potential. I absolutely cannot wait to meet Fall 20 and we all welcome you with open arms."  - Lisette Cashen

"Dear Potential New Member,
We are so excited that you have decided to go through recruitment! Recruitment is such an exciting time, that allows you to meet amazing women and create unforgettable bonds. Remember to stay true to who you are and to the values you hold. 
Going through recruitment and joining Alpha Xi Delta has been one of the best decisions I have made. In my past three years, I have been able to hold positions that would have not been possible without the support of my sisters. Being surrounded by such strong women constantly inspires me and helps me realize my potential every day. I have gained lifelong friendships, and memories that I will always hold close to my heart. 
While this year's recruitment will be different from past years, we hope to make this experience equally as special and meaningful. I am so excited to see the incredible journey that each of you will embark on. 
We can’t wait to meet you!! " - Beatriz Pena